28 November 2007

Lunch with the Baroness

You haven't made it until you've dined with royalty.

I checked my texts before leaving work, and found an invitation to lunch at the Stirling Club with my boss and some of his friends.

When I arrived, I learned I was dining with a Baroness. Cue "Psycho" horror-movie music. Not a stitch of make up, messy hair, and cheap jewelry. I was primed for a meeting with nobles.

Lunch was pleasant despite my unpleasant appearance. The Baroness was rather down-to-earth, chatty, and friendly. It surprised me at how normal she appeared. Are titles really just glittery façades?

We discussed the differences between society on the West Coast vs East Coast vs Europe. As a local Las Vegan, I am aware of how incurably casual we are. Wearing backless sun-dresses, khakis and sport coats to dinner may seem apropos, but from the Eastern / European point of view, it's much too informal. But hey, we are the wild west!

What did I learn from the Baroness? Well, don't eat too much, shop between seasons at classified locations in Paris, drink with your saucer up, and always dress appropriately.

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